Accountability and TEAMS
Accountability Resources | TEAMS Resources Accountability ResourcesOverviewPerformance accountability, assessment and testing, and data management are critical components of AEL service delivery and an essential part of exemplary service delivery to support participant success. Proper oversite and management of these areas forms the foundation of effective education, training, and employment service delivery. TWC Technical AssistanceSend your questions to AELTA@twc.texas.gov Accountability and TEAMS Community of PracticeAccountability Webinars and Presentations (TEAMS webinars are found under the TEAMS Section)
Accountability GuidanceState AEL and Workforce Letters Related to Performance Accountability
TEAMS Resources
TEAMS 5.8 | Presentation | Transcript
General TEAMS Resources
Periods of Participation Report Description (PDF)
TEAMS Webinars – Technical Assistance provided via recorded Webinars by TWC Adult Education and Literacy
February 2023: TEAMS 6.1
Watch | Transcript | Accessible PPTDecember 7, 2020: TEAMS 5.4.1 Release
Recording | Release Notes | Enrollment InstructionsOctober 16, 2020: PY 20-21 TEAMS UPDATE Release 5.3 – Pre/Post Test Gains Pages
Recording | Transcript | Presentation Slides | HandoutAugust 15, 2019: POPs Basics Webinar
Recording | Transcript | Presentation SldiesOctober 22, 2018: TEAMS 3.8 Webinar
Recording | Transcript | Presentation SlidesDecember 6, 2017: Welcome to TEAMS 3.2 Webinar, Part 2
Recording | Transcript | Presentation SlidesDecember 6, 2017: Welcome to TEAMS 3.2 Webinar, Part 1
Recording | Transcript | Presentation SlidesMarch 6, 2017: TEAMS 2.11 Webinar
Recording | Transcript | Presentation Slides
TEAMS Users Community of Practice - TEAMS users with accounts in the Texas AEL PD Portal can connect to keep up with the most up-to-date information about TEAMS.
Join the conversation here.
TEAMS Technical Assistance Email – Send your questions to teams.technicalassistance@twc.texas.gov
Other TEAMS Resources (coming soon)