Texas Adult Education & Literacy Hotline: |
Feel free to download these templates and stock images below for use with your local program campaign.
Welcome From State DirectorWelcome to the Move Ahead With Adult Ed marketing campaign page! We are so thrilled to be a part of this national campaign and provide this unified toolkit for our AEL grantees, providers, and partners. It has been a challenging year for our communities. #MoveAheadWithAdultEd sends a message of empowerment and resilience. Please feel free to make these materials your own and adapt them for use in your own local marketing campaign. We do ask that you keep the sponsoring partners within your designs, but add in your local affiliations and partners who will be joining the campaign. Thank you for all that you do! Special thanks to TCALL’s amazing staff for hosting our toolkit webpage and making the documents accessible to all.
MAWAE ToolkitDownload templates and stock images below:
Stock PhotosRight-click the image or the image name below and select "Save Link As" to download.