TCALL - Texas's Adult Education and Literacy Professional Development and Resource Center

TRAIN PD @ TCALL is a project of the Texas Center for the Advancement of Literacy and Learning at Texas A&M University funded by the Texas Workforce Commission to serve as the statewide Professional Development and Resource Center for Texas Adult Education and Literacy (AEL). In that role, TRAIN PD serves as the hub for the TWC AEL Training, Resource and Innovation Network for Texas (TRAIN Tex) strategy.

TRAIN PD @ TCALL is responsible for delivering training, including training-of-trainer (TOT) events, informational resources, and other support to local programs, students, and stakeholders.  PD Center staff, including PD Specialists,  are responsible for deploying statewide PD activities, identifying and recruiting additional contract trainers, developing and delivering training throughout the state, including online accessibility, and assisting AEL Grantees and other providers with professional development planning and services provision.

Key services of TRAIN PD @ TCALL include:


Those services and products/resources are available to Texas audiences including:

  • Employees or volunteers of AEL service providers and collaborating entities
  • Employees of the Agency
  • Members of the Texas Workforce Solutions Network, including Board staff and contractors
  • Employers
  • Developmental education providers
  • Windham School District education providers
  • Volunteers; community-based and faith-based providers
  • Other stakeholders as approved by the TWC



For more information, send a message to

Call 1-800-441-READ (7323) or contact these project leadership staff with your questions.

Texas AEL PD Portal, Communications, Email Discussion List Moderation, and Ombudsperson for Problems/Suggestions regarding TRAIN PD @ TCALL:
Dr. Debra L. Hargrove, Managing Director

Professional Development Content:
Beth A. Ponder, Director of Professional Development 

PD Registration or Documentation Questions:
Yoli Oliver

Texas AEL PD Portal Management and Technical Assistance

Questions from Trainers about access to PD Portal and its Contract Trainer Community of Practice
Tracy Hendrix, Professional Development Center Specialist and Trainer Capacity Development (Program Manager)

Professional Development Field Services to AEL Grant Recipients/Consortia:
Krista Mosher, Manager of PD Field Services

Questions regarding Research & Evaluation
Dr. Debra L. Hargrove, Managing Director

See contact information for other project staff on the TCALL Staff Page.