Staff Qualifications and Development TAC §805.21 AEL
Staff Qualification and Development Requirements
This sheet provides a summary of Staff Qualification and Staff Development (also called Professional Development or PD) requirements for AEL Grantee and Provider staff. The full requirements can be found at https://www.twc.texas.gov/sites/default/files/ogc/docs/fr-805-ch-rev-10-22-twc.pdf.
Exemptions and Waivers
Requirements for PD and Staff Qualifications may be reduced in individual cases in which exceptional circumstances prevent employees from completing the required hours or not meeting the minimum educational requirements for their position. Documentation justifying these circumstances must be available for monitoring.
Professional Development
Local AEL staff who do not complete required number of PD hours within a program year (July1 - June 30) as outlined in TWC Rules, Chapter 805, §805.21 must receive an exemption before August 31st. The exemption form can be found on the TWC website: https://www.twc.texas.gov/programs/adult-education-literacy/teachers-providers or provided by the program’s assigned Program Specialist. All exceptions must be approved by Agency AEL staff through the staff exemption process.
Staff Qualification
Staff qualification exemption requests may be submitted to the Agency for staff that do not meet the minimum education level as outlined in TWC Rules, Chapter 805, §805.21 for their assigned job duties. The request should be submitted using the staff exemption form found on the TWC website: https://www.twc.texas.gov/programs/adult-education-literacy/teachers-providers. The form must be submitted and approved prior to an individual being placed in the position in which she/he do not meet the minimum qualifications.
Recommended PD for TWC Required Positions
Click here to view the document.
Documentation of PD and Qualifications
Documentation is required for both proof that staff meet minimum education requirements and that staff has attended required PD.
Educational Qualifications
At minimum, a copy of an official transcript or copy of an individual’s degree/diploma is required for proof that educational qualifications are met for position.
Professional Development Hours
A certificate of completion generated by the PD Portal or a copy of sign-in and sign-out sheet as well as an agenda that includes number (#) of PD hours and materials that show the PD’s relationship to job duties, where relevant, must be kept in the personnel file. If PD is intended to satisfy the required principles of adult learning or relevant areas of literacy instruction hours, the certificate of completion must indicate number (#) of PD hours earned and which required content area the PD is intended to satisfy.
Position |
Minimum Staff Qualifications |
PD Hour Requirement |
PD Content Area Description |
Highest staff qualifications apply |
Highest hour requirements apply |
AEL with more than one position funded by AEL are expected to complete the PD hours of the position that requires the most hours and the PD content areas required for both positions. For example, an instructor who also does data entry must have 15 hours total and PD in the content areas required for instructors (3 clock hours of principles of adult learning and 6 clock hours of relevant literacy instruction) as well as the 3 hours related to data entry. |
Bachelor’s Degree |
15 hours |
No specific PD content |
INSTRUCTORS Literacy (Reading, writing, mathematics and English language acquisition) instructors, including instructional aides, volunteers or tutors who generate student contact hours. 1 |
Bachelor’s Degree |
15 hours |
The required 15 clock hours must include:
High School Diploma or Equivalent |
3 hours |
No specific content area PD is required hours for AEL aides, administrative staff and other staff that provide support or employment services to students. Test Proctors & Data Entry staff must have 3 PD hours related to their primary job duties (ex: Data Entry staff should have TEAMS training) |
SUBSTITUTES A substitute who works on call for four or fewer consecutive class meetings and does not have a full-time assignment, and does not assume permanent responsibilities for class instruction. |
Bachelor’s degree |
No required PD hours |
At the discretion of the Director |
1Per §805.21 (6)(A)(iv), Grantees can waive six clock hours of content area for individuals who have 18 or more college semesters undergraduate or graduate credit hours in relevant areas of literacy instruction. Documentation must be kept on file and semester hours placed into TEAMS under staff qualifications.
2Staff new to AEL or direct student service delivery, must receive at least 6 hours of PD within 30 calendar days of providing instructional activities. These 6 hours must include 3 clock hours of principles of adult learning, and 3 clock hours of the relevant area(s) of literacy instruction.
Revised 7/20/21