WIOA Resources
Texas Workforce Commission Adult Education and Literacy Resources from Texas Workforce Commission Adult Education and Literacy: October 2016 WIOA Regional Forums The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) provides numerous collaborative opportunities for the Texas Workforce System to help job seekers secure employment, education, training and support services that align with market-driven forces. To facilitate these collaborations, the Texas Workforce Commission hosted four WIOA Regional Forums in October 2016 to highlight some of the key elements of WIOA, and the new accountability and performance measurement system. Presentations included:
TWC AEL Webinars
Resources from US Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education:
Resources from US Department of Labor, Education and Training Administration:
Resources from NAEPDC – National Adult Education Professional Development Consortium: Resources Shared by National LINCS:
AEL Letter 02-16: Implementing the Integrated Education and Training Service Approach