Texas Adult Education & Literacy Hotline: |
Below you will find the days, times, session descriptions, presenters and other info for all three days of the Institute as well as the PreConference. The TWC AEL Fall Institute 2021. From the TWC/AEL Strategic Plan (Updated)All sessions are aligned with one or more of the following strategies: Improve program effectiveness to support increased program effectiveness, and ensure program accountability, fiscal integrity, and ability to communicate program impact to stakeholders. Address demand to implement strategies that address projected demand for AEL in Texas. Increase Workforce, Secondary, and Postsecondary Education and Training Outcomes to support increases in education and work-related outcomes through enhanced delivery and service integration. Increase system coordination and integration to support and facilitate increased coordination and collaboration among state and local system stakeholders. Session DescriptionsPreConference | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3