Texas Adult Education & Literacy Hotline: |
Find a trainer; Become a Trainer
Are you planning to host a local training for Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) instructors, leaders or volunteers in Texas, and looking for an experienced contract trainer to hire?
If you are a PD Coordinator for a TWC-funded AEL program, you can:
Find trainer information in the Texas AEL PD Portal. In the Portal’s Community of Practice for PD Coordinators, look for the “How to Find a Trainer” folder.
Visit with the PD Specialist assigned to your AEL Grantee or Consortium for more suggestions. Who is my PD Specialist? Contact Krista Mosher at TCALL at kdmosher@tamu.edu
If your program is not TWC-funded, email PD Specialist Paula Bauer at pkbauer@tamu.edu for assistance.
Are you a trainer interested in becoming a TRAIN PD contracted trainer? Click here to fill out the application.
Do you want to nominate someone to be a trainer, send an email to Yoli at yoliver@tamu.edu.