Below you will find the days, times, session descriptions, presenters and other info for all three days of the Institute as well as the PreConference.

Session Descriptions

PreConference | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3



8:30 - 11:30


Coming soon

1:00 - 4:00


Coming soon

Day 1


8:30 - 9:45


Opening Session (Mahalia Baldini, AEL State Director, and Special Guest)

10:15 - 11:30


Session 1: Unlock Student and Program Success with Comprehensive Assessment (Linda Ross)
Stop students from slipping through the cracks! Join us for a deep dive beyond the basics. In this session, you will: unlock practical strategies & retention solutions, plan MSGs based on student’s goals, empower your test strategy based on employer needs & student baseline results, explore real-life scenarios and solutions. Leave this session prepared to: 1) reduce attrition rates and improve student retention, 2) accelerate student progress toward their goals and 3) increase program completion rates. Equip your team with the tools and knowledge that maximizes student and program success!

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Session 2: Surfs Up! Treading Water-Sinking or Swimming with Performance (Veronica Moore and Ricardo Rivera)
Please join TWC Program Specialist Veronica Moore and Brownsville ISD Director Ricardo Rivera as they take a deep dive into measurable skill gains (MSGs), targets, and exit measures. In this session, you will be provided with an understanding of what MSGs, targets, and exit measures are, where they come from, and how to best attain these performance measures as part of the Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) Grant requirements. This session will be impactful in providing a lens into processes, procedures, and strategies utilized by a local AEL Grantees to meet state approved measures while safely guiding students through a successful AEL experience.

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Session 3: It’s All About the Money! (Nicole Stevens and Kara McVey)
Want to know some secrets to grant fiscal success? This presentation will give you some great tools such as comparison between TEAMS funding codes and CDER cost categories, report cards, cost allocation plans, and tricks to avoid disproportionate spending. We will also be covering allowable costs.

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1:00 - 2:15


Session 4: Chart a Course Through AEL (Maria Morrow and Jonna Forsyth)
Prepare to navigate the dynamic landscape of Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) in this essential session! This session will equip you with the knowledge to propel your programs forward. We will dive into the world of AEL services and activity codes and empower you to “Explore the Galaxy” of AEL. Discover the full spectrum of services offered, from traditional TxCHSE and ESL to cutting-edge digital literacy and innovative career pathways. Command GED Manager; this overview of GED Manager will provide you with the tools and strategies to effectively track student progress. Decode the language and unlock the mysteries of AEL activity codes! Learn what they are, how they’re used for service tracking, and how to accurately apply them within TEAMS.

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Session 5: Fueling Futures: Aligning Student Pathways with Outcomes (Elena Madrid)
Prepare to harness the Force of the Future! This session will equip AEL leaders and staff with innovative strategies and practical tools to guide students toward successful outcomes. In this session, you will explore the evolving landscape of student pathways in Adult Education and Literacy, the critical connection between targeted pathways (HSE, ELA, workforce training, etc.) and achieving key student outcomes. We will also explore the navigation and support needed for students to achieve their goals. Join us as we ignite student success and propel them towards a brighter future!

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Session 6: Getting to Know the Texas Adult Education and Literacy Content Standards, v.4 (AnneMarie Molinari-Sanders)
With the start of a new Adult Education & Literacy grant year, would you like to get to know or refresh your knowledge of the Texas Adult Education & Literacy (AEL) Content Standards? Join AnneMarie from TCALL as she reviews TWC’s requirements for integrating the AEL content standards and provides an overview of the six content areas addressed in the content standards. AnneMarie includes examples of lesson plan resources to use, and outlines the different professional development options available for more in-depth content standards training for strengthening staff knowledge at the program level. Participants will leave the session knowing the exact location where a current digital copy of the Texas AEL Content Standards resides!

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2:45 - 4:00


Session 7: Intensive Services: Ramp Up those Specialized Services! (Ann Savino and Lori Slayton)
This session will review the Intensive Services options under 231 Grants. Learn more about 1) workplace literacy and employer engagement 2) services for Internationally Trained Professionals who are English Language Learners and 3) post release services for second chance individuals. Learn about the policy, what resources are out there and how to make these models work for your program, your participants and your partners!

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Session 8: Exploring the Data Galaxy (Maria Morrow, Heba Toulan, and Eduardo Gonzalez)
This session propels AEL staff into the future of data literacy. We will explore the constellation of reports available, illuminating their power to guide our mission and shape the future of adult education. Get ready to master the force of data! Discover what reports are available in TEAMS, how they can be used to optimize our impact, and when to deploy their power. Unlock the secrets of I3 reports; unravel the mysteries of these powerful tools, including a dive into the Monthly Performance Report (MPR) and learn how to decipher their insights. Become a Data Jedi; gain the skills to confidently read, interpret, and leverage the data to fuel AEL’s future success. May the force be with you as you learn to use data to propel AEL toward its brightest tomorrow.

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Session 9: Root Cause Analysis and Decision Trees – Tools for Problem Solvers and Decision Makers (Elena Madrid)
Decisions! Decisions! Successful planning starts with determining whether something is worth pursuing. Problem solving focuses on getting to the root of an issue. If your day-to-day work deals with making decisions that take thought and consideration or if you find yourself constantly having to solve problems, then this workshop is right for you! Join Elena and learn two techniques that can help empower you in any role you may have to be more solution-oriented.

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Day 2


8:30 - 9:45


Opening Session (Mahalia Baldini, AEL State Director, and Special Guest)

10:15 - 11:30


Session 10: Double session: Session 1 of IETs Buckle up! IETs in the New Program Year (Ann Savino, Nicole Stevens, and Kara McVey)
This session provides technical assistance on Integrated Education and Training (IET) models from the ground up in 75 minutes! A refresher for those already implementing quality IETs, an opportunity to re-think and improve exiting models for those working to improve outcomes, and resources to get you out of the gate for those new to designing and implementing an IET program. Attendees will 1) preview the new Career Pathway Addendum to the AEL Guide 2) learn the core components of an IET and 3) take away IET design strategies that center on meeting program, participant, and partner outcomes.

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Session 11: TAPS and CAPS (Technical Assistance Plans and Corrective Action Plans) (Elena Madrid)
Join us to take the mystery out of Technical Assistance Plans and Corrective Action Plans. Get answers to what they are, how programs qualify for them and how to get off of them. Empower your program with knowledge that can keep you on track to success and off of a TAP or CAP.

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Session 12: Shining a Light on Professional Development (Krista Mosher and TCALL Staff)
Join TCALL to get a glimpse into the world of PD!  In this session, we will highlight PD Specialists, the PD Plan, and the PD Portal.  PD Specialists are assigned to every program and are there to support the PD Coordinators, including scheduling training and creating the PD Plan.  We will highlight the main sections of the PD Plan and give some suggestions on making sure yours is effective.  Finally, we’ll spend some time looking at the PD Portal and some of its more useful features.

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1:00 - 2:15


Session 13: Double Session: Session 2 of Buckle Up! Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE) + IET in the New Program Year (231/243) (Ann Savino and Nicole Stevens)
Building on the Integrated Education and Training (IET) requirements in AEL programs across Texas, this session will walk attendees through topics in IELCE development provided by the Enhancing Access for Refugees and New Americans (EARN) Project. We’ll review IELCE fundamentals and explore typical program designs, partnerships, instructional strategies, and integration of civics content. Join us as we have deeper discussions on models for serving English Learners (ELs) and ELs who are Internationally Trained Professionals (ITPs). Whether using 231 or 243 funding, this session focuses on enhancing services to immigrants and refugees and building pathways to employment.

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Session 14: Building Partnerships with Regional Alignment (Elena Madrid)
Partnerships are vital to student and program success. Learn how TWC AEL has shifted to working in a way that will enhance regional partnerships and support collaborations for grant recipients.

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Session 15: Leading the Way: Distance Ed & Tech for Texas Adult Educators (Ashly Winkle)
This session will provide an overview of the Distance Education Professional Development Center’s mission, services, and key resources available to support educators in Texas. Participants will learn about the Texas Distance Education Call Center, professional development opportunities, and digital literacy initiatives. The presentation includes an interactive Q&A session to address specific needs and concludes with a discussion on next steps for engaging with the center’s offerings.

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2:45 - 4:00


Session 16 & 17: Program Quality – Success is a Continuous Improvement Plan (Veronica Moore, Glenda Rose, Whitney Patterson, Ricardo Rivera, and
Sandra Cortez)

Come join a dynamic AEL panel discussion on quality programming and service delivery. Do you have questions on what makes a quality program? How often should you evaluate your program? What are some factors to consider when building a quality AEL program? If you have any of these questions or others, please come join this session with local AEL programs hosted by TWC’s Program Support Specialist, Veronica Moore. In this session AEL leaders in local programs will share their viewpoints, processes, procedures, and challenges faced when developing quality AEL program services. Guest panelist will include Dr. Glenda Rose of Community Action Inc., Whitney Patterson of Literacy Council of Tyler (LCOT/PAVE), Sandra Cortez of Laredo College, and Ricardo Rivera of Brownsville ISD. Learn the many parts needed to build, implement, sustain, and remodel an AEL program for successful quality services!

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Session 18: WIOA Shaping Tomorrow’s Workforce: Unleashing the Power for Adult Learners (Linda Ross and Maria Morrow)
Get ready for an interactive deep dive into maximizing WIOA’s potential for your adult learners! Leave the silos at the door! We’ll break down the barriers between Titles I, II, III, and IV, exploring practical strategies for co-enrollment - from streamlined intake to leveraging funding flexibility. Observe real-world examples of successful collaborations that are transforming lives and building a stronger workforce and wrap-around services that make all the difference - because true support goes beyond job training. Don’t miss this chance to 1) network with fellow program administrators and spark innovative collaborations, 2) get your questions answered by our expert-led panel and, 3) leave armed with actionable takeaways to empower your team and your learners. It’s time to stop navigating the WIOA maze – join us and start maximizing its power!

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Day 3


8:30 - 8:45


Opening Session (Mahalia Baldini, AEL State Director and Bryan Daniel, TWC Chairman)

8:45 - 12:30


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