Texas Adult Education & Literacy Hotline: |
If You Are Involved in Community-Based and Volunteer Adult Literacy
This TCALL-sponsored discussion list is supported by Texas Workforce Commission and is open to all community-based and volunteer literacy providers and their supporters and stakeholders, as well as the general public interested in Texas Adult Education and Literacy across a variety of contexts.
The purpose of this listserv is to share information about professional development opportunities for volunteer adult literacy tutors and leaders, free resources available through TCALL and other sources, funding opportunities, and trends in adult education and literacy around the state and nation.
The Literacy Texas organization also uses the Texas Adult Literacy discussion list to communicate with a broad spectrum of literacy educators, including but not limited to that organization’s members and affiliates. (Literacy Texas is the statewide literacy coalition for Texas. See the Literacy Texas Website.)
For more information or to subscribe to this discussion list, or to change or cancel an existing subscription, |
Please include your first and last name, e-mail address and program affiliation, and use the subject line “Subscribe TEXAS ADULT LITERACY”.