Texas Adult Education & Literacy Hotline: |
Guidelines for Statewide Email Discussion Lists
Hosted by Texas Center for the Advancement of Literacy & Learning
TCALL hosts a number of statewide email discussion lists for the purpose of bringing together literacy stakeholders -- administrators, practitioners, and community partners -- to discuss critical issues within the literacy field; share resources, experiences, and ideas; and keep up-to-date on literacy issues, policies, and training/networking opportunities.
Messages posted to the discussion lists do not represent the views or opinions of the Texas Center for the Advancement of Literacy & Learning, Texas A&M University nor Texas Workforce Commission. The discussion lists are funded at TCALL through Texas Workforce Commission, using adult education funds appropriated to the states by the U.S. Congress.
Anti-lobbying laws prohibit the use of appropriated funds for lobbying. In order to ensure TCALL's compliance with federal law, TCALL requests that all discussion list participants use the TCALL-hosted lists in accordance with their intended purposes and refrain from posting messages that constitute lobbying. Comments, suggestions, references, and ideas posted to the discussion lists should serve as resources for enhancing the field's capacity and knowledge base. The use of a federally-funded list to maintain and disseminate messages that are intended to influence or cause others to influence a member of Congress to favor or oppose legislation or an appropriation by Congress is a violation of the law.
Further, list participants are expected to conduct their communications on the list in a spirit of inquiry, curiosity, and mutual respect and follow the model described in the LINCS Community Code of Conduct found here: https://community.lincs.ed.gov/page/lincs-community-code-conduct
Questions about TCALL's discussion lists and the policies governing those lists may be directed to the TCALL Director,, Dr. Glenda Rose glenda.rose@tamu.edu