If you teach Adult Education and Literacy or are interested in AEL Instruction in funded or non-funded programs

The new AEL INSTRUCTION list is open to adult education and literacy instructors, instructional leaders, professional developers, tutors, administrators, and other stakeholders interested in AEL instruction in any funded or non-funded program.

The AEL Instruction list serves these purposes:

  • To be the central communication hub between Texas Workforce Commission, TCALL's Library, TRAIN PD leadership, and list subscribers;

  • To highlight AEL research, courses and curriculum, and PD events related to Literacy, including, but not limited to, content in ABE, ASE, ESL, special learning needs, family literacy, and health literacy;

  • To inform list subscribes of opportunities and resources for their professional development;

  • To share ideas and thoughts about issues relevant to teaching adult education and literacy;

  • To share resources and locally produced materials;

  • To create a network of professionals interested in AEL Instruction; and

  • To help the Library provide better services to teachers by receiving input from list subscribers about their needs.

For more information or to subscribe to this discussion list, or to change or cancel an existing subscription,
please email Jessica DeClements.

Please include your name, e-mail address and program affiliation, and use the subject line "Subscribe TEXAS AEL INSTRUCTION"