Welcome to the Adult Education Provider Directory Search

There were 2 matches returned. Please click on the name of each organization. This will take you to the Full Display page which contains additional information. Click to view Service definitions (will open new window)

* This organization is an Adult Ed Grant Recipient.
Organization Name:

Del Mar College
(Click for more details)

Physical Address:101 Baldwin Blvd.
Corpus Christi, TX 78404-
Postal Address:101 Baldwin Blvd.
Corpus Christi, TX 78404-
Contact Person:Ms. Rachel Benavides
Phone:(361) 698-2101
Services Provided: Basic Skills Instruction, High School Equivalency Test Preparation, College Preparation, Employability Skills, Job Search Assistance, Career Services, College and Career Readiness, Co-enrollment in Adult Ed and Job Training, Disability Assistance, English as a Second Language, Workplace Literacy
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Workforce Area:

Coastal Bend

Organization Name:

Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend
(Click for more details)

Physical Address:400 Mann Street, Ste 800
Corpus Christi, TX 78401
Postal Address:PO Box 2568
Corpus Christi, TX 78403-
Contact Person:Mr. Kenneth Trevino
Phone:(361) 885-3016
(361) 885-3000
Services Provided: Training, Job Search Assistance
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Workforce Area:

Coastal Bend

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