Welcome to the Adult Education Provider Directory Search

There were 5 matches returned. Please click on the name of each organization. This will take you to the Full Display page which contains additional information. Click to view Service definitions (will open new window)

* This organization is an Adult Ed Grant Recipient.
Organization Name:

Workforce Solutions Gulf Coast
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Physical Address:3555 Timmons Ln, Ste. 120
Houston, TX 77027-2777
Postal Address:PO Box 22777
Houston, TX 77227-2717
Contact Person:Mrs. Kristi Hayman
888-469-5627 (Find Career Office near you)
Services Provided: Training, Job Search Assistance, Basic Skills Instruction, Adult High School Diploma, Citizenship, College and Career Readiness, College Preparation, Co-enrollment in Adult Ed and Job Training, English Literacy and Civics Education, Employability Skills, English as a Second Language, High School Equivalency Test Preparation
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Workforce Area:

Gulf Coast

Organization Name:

Boys & Girls Club of Walker County
(Click for more details)

Physical Address:119 FM 980 Road
Huntsville, TX 77340-
Postal Address:P.O. Box 8600
Huntsville, TX 77340-
Contact Person:Mrs. Michelle Spencer
Phone:(936) 291-6054
Services Provided: Basic Skills Instruction, English Literacy and Civics Education, English as a Second Language, High School Equivalency Test Preparation, Career Services, Correctional Re-Entry and Post-Release Services, Services for Internationally Trained Professionals
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Workforce Area:

Gulf Coast

Organization Name:

Huntsville Public Library
(Click for more details)

Physical Address:1219 13th Street
Huntsville, TX 77340-4603
Postal Address:1219 13th Street
Huntsville, TX 77340-4507
Contact Person:Ms. Mary Kokot
Phone:(936) 291-5471
(936) 291-5912
Services Provided: Basic Skills Instruction, Citizenship, English as a Second Language, High School Equivalency Test Preparation
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Workforce Area:

Gulf Coast

Organization Name:

Lone Star College System
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Physical Address:250 N. Sam Houston Pkwy, Suite 200
Houston, TX 77060-2000
Postal Address:250 N. Sam Houston Pkwy, Suite 200
Houston, TX 77060-2000
Contact Person:Ms. Natalie Abundiz
Phone:(281) 260-3576
Services Provided: Basic Skills Instruction, English as a Second Language, English Literacy and Civics Education, High School Equivalency Test Preparation, College and Career Readiness, Citizenship, College Preparation, Co-enrollment in Adult Ed and Job Training, Services for Internationally Trained Professionals, Workplace Literacy, Training
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Workforce Area:

Gulf Coast

Organization Name:

Region 6 Education Service Center
(Click for more details)

Physical Address:3332 Montgomery Road
Huntsville, TX 77340-6499
Postal Address:3332 Montgomery Road
Huntsville, TX 77340-6499
Contact Person:Ms. Kristi Hayman
Phone:(936) 435-8330
(936) 435-8323
Services Provided: Basic Skills Instruction, Corrections Education (May include ABE, ASE, ESL), English as a Second Language, High School Equivalency Test Preparation, College and Career Readiness, Co-enrollment in Adult Ed and Job Training, English Literacy and Civics Education, English Literacy Civics Instruction with Workforce Training, Employability Skills, Services for Internationally Trained Professionals, High School Equivalency Test Preparation, Job Search Assistance, Training, Workplace Literacy
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Workforce Area:

Gulf Coast

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