Texas Adult Education & Literacy Hotline: |
Literacy, Volunteer and Tutor Resources
Adlit.org: AdLit.org is a national multimedia project offering information and resources to the parents and educators of struggling adolescent readers and writers. AdLit.org is an educational initiative of WETA, the flagship public television and radio station in the nation's capital. Although the project’s focus is on K-12, the downloadable and free classroom resources are applicable to adult learners.
Barbara Bush Foundation: Dedicated to supporting those who are driven to be better and improve their own literacy or literacy within their community.
Colorín Colorado: Colorín Colorado is the premier national website serving educators and families of English language learners (ELLs) in Grades PreK-12. Colorín Colorado provides free research-based information, activities, and advice to parents, schools, and communities around the country. This website is applicable to assisting ELL’s who attend AEL classes and/or have children at home.
CommonLit: CommonLit provides free digital reading passages for grades 3-12, complemented by aligned interim assessments, and assistive technology features including speech-to-text, highlighting, online dictionary, and annotation capabilities. Students can access and complete reading passage assignments online. The digital resources are applicable to adult learners and the development of Texas Adult Education and Literacy Standards 2.0 based-lessons.
Digital Literacy Toolkit: The Texas State Library and Archives Commission created seven digital literacy-training modules on the topics of Computer & Internet Basics, Cyber Safety, Email, Microsoft Word & Excel, Online Job Search, and Resume Writing. Each module contains lesson plans, workbooks, activity worksheets, and other resources.
Energize, Inc.: The Energize website “empowers and inspires leaders of volunteers worldwide. Our specialty is creating and selecting the most relevant, innovative resources in volunteer management.” The Volunteer Management Resource library provides free access to volunteer management articles, e-books, links to research, and websites – organized by subject. The “Volunteer Management Skill Area” contains book excerpts, articles, and web resources on common topics such as volunteer recruitment, retention, interviewing, screening, and support, in addition to issues like fundraising, event planning, and program evaluation and assessment.
Family Literacy Resources from the Goodling Institute: Resources for professional development of family literacy educators. A broad range of resources are available on the searchable database.
Literacy ConneXus: This group advises and assists in literacy projects throughout the state of Texas. A list of publishers offering free & highly discounted books and literacy organization websites are a few resources provided by this group.
Literacy Minnesota: This organization provides resources for volunteer teachers or tutors and ESL and ABE instructors. Search the online instructor hub for a variety of free instructional materials in various formats including lesson plans, curriculum activities, worksheets, and videos.
Literacy Minnesota Volunteer Trainings: Literacy Minnesota's online courses are interactive and self-paced. Most courses offer Continuing Education Units (CEU's) for teacher re-licensure. One signs up for an online course. Online Courses offered to include:
Volunteer in the Adults ESL Classroom - This training prepares new volunteers to work in an Adult ESL classroom, and provides ongoing development for experienced classroom volunteers. Topics covered include volunteer roles, culture, and cultural awareness, responding to errors, and effective floating in the ESL classroom.
Tutoring Basics - Tutoring Basics will provide you with core strategies for structuring a tutoring session that is intentional and skill-based. If you’re new to tutoring K-12 students, this workshop is a great place to start!
Foundations of Intercultural Development - Introductory course that provides a foundation for further learning. Appropriate for those who work with public school students and their managers/supervisors.
Reducing the Stigma of Mental Illness - This course is for Adult Basic Education practitioners to learn strategies to reduce the stigma of mental illness. This course offers 3 Continuing Education Units (CEU's).
Citizenship Tutor Training - The Citizenship Tutor Training educates teachers and tutors to assist students in preparing for United States Citizenship through naturalization. This course offers 3 Continuing Education Units (CEU's).
Computer Literacy Curriculum Planning - This course will provide resources and tools for planning and implementing a computer literacy course for adult learners. This course offers 6 Continuing Education Units (CEU's).
National Center for Families Learning (NCFL): NCFL works to eradicate poverty through education solutions for families. NCFL develops and provides programming, professional development, and resources that empower and raise families to achieve their potential.
Newsela: Newsela provides accessible digital texts in five reading levels in several content areas including English Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies. The digital resources are applicable to adult learners and the development of Texas Adult Education and Literacy Standards 2.0 based-lessons.
Office of Illinois - Adult Literacy Volunteer Tutor Resources: this is a 13 Lesson course by the Illinois State Library that is free for anyone to take on their website. While the first lesson does focus on Illinois state policies and procedures, the rest of the lessons are full of information that any adult literacy volunteer tutor can use to train themselves to be better tutors for adult students
PBS Learning Media: The Public Broadcasting System (PBS) have curated FREE, standards-aligned videos, interactives, lesson plans, videos, primary source documents, and more for teachers. Instructors can search the digital resource library for a variety of subjects including English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Science and digital literacy. The website resources are applicable to adult learners and the development of Texas Adult Education and Literacy Standards 2.0 based-lessons.
ReadWorks: This organization provides a digital library of free high-quality free reading passages for grades Pre K-12 in a variety of subjects and skill sets. Students can access and complete reading passage assignments online. The digital resources are applicable to adult learners and the development of Texas Adult Education and Literacy Standards 2.0 based-lessons.
Thinkfinityorg: The Verizon Literacy Network contains self-paced free online courses not only for volunteers but also for literacy program managers. Download or browse the Verizon Literacy Network Free Online Course Catalog for complete descriptions of all the offerings. While none of the teaching-related courses is intended to substitute for the experience of a group preservice training, some courses could be used as screening and orientation material to help prospective volunteers get a clearer picture of tutoring before committing to your organization. Other courses could easily be adapted to use in a group in-service workshop or recommended to active tutors for self-study.
Wonderopolis: The National Center for Families Learning (NCFL) created Wonderopolis in 2010. Each day, an intriguing question is posed, the Wonder of the Day® which is explored in a variety of interactive ways. With multi-disciplinary content, instructors can use the daily Wonder to jump-start students' critical thinking, and explore content that relates to specific lesson plans and student interests. The Wonder of the Day lessons are applicable to adult learners and the development of Texas Adult Education and Literacy Standards 2.0 based-lessons.