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Organization Name:Todos Juntos Learning Center
Department:Todos Juntos Learning Center
Physical Address:409 W Ben White Blvd.
Austin, TX 78704
Postal Address:P.O. Box 41213
Austin, TX 78704-
Phone:(512) 788-7255
Contact Person:Ms. Christina Collazo
Position: Executive Director
Email: christina@todosjuntoslc.org
County Located:Travis
County Served: Travis
Organization Type:Other
Adult Education Service Provider
Services Provided: English as a Second Language
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Additional Information:Partners with Austin Community College to provide Adult English as a Second Language classes, technology, citizenship, workforce development and more. Partners with other local agencies to provide family support including health, parenting, stress management, and family literacy. Free parenting classes; Free early childhood classes, technology, music, health, finance literacy, civics, and nutrition.
Grant Recipient Affiliation:Austin Community College
Spanish Speaker:AVAILABLE
Workforce Area: Capital Area

Official log