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Organization Name:Socorro ISD
Physical Address:12380 Pine Springs
El Paso, TX 79928-
Postal Address:P.O. Box 292800
El Paso, TX 79928-
Phone:(915) 937-1700
Contact Person:Ms. Cynthia Velasquez
Position: Director
Email: cvelas03@sisd.net
County Located:El Paso
County Served: Brewster, Culberson, El Paso, Hudspeth, Jeff Davis, Presidio
Organization Type:Adult Education Service Provider
Adult Education Grant Recipient
Adult Education Consortium Lead
Services Provided: Basic Skills Instruction, English as a Second Language, English Literacy and Civics Education, High School Equivalency/GED® Test Preparation, College and Career Readiness, Citizenship, College and Career Readiness, Employability Skills, Services for Internationally Trained Professionals, Job Search Assistance, Training, Workplace Literacy, Career Services, English Literacy Civics Instruction with Workforce Training
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Other Contact:Mary Jo Ochoa Hernandez, Career Pathways Coordinator: mochoa16@sisd.net
Additional Information:Socorro Community Education programs and classes are organized around three main goals of adult students: to obtain a job or start a career, attend college or post-secondary training and to develop basic English language skills to function effectively as a parent or citizen. All classes and certifications are offered at no cost to students who qualify and are accepted into a program of study. Dental Tech, and Pharmacy tech.
Grant Recipient Affiliation:Ysleta ISD
Spanish Speaker:AVAILABLE
Workforce Area: Borderplex

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