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Organization Name:Northside ISD
Department:Adult Education
Physical Address:6632 Bandera, Bldg. B
San Antonio, TX 78238-1435
Postal Address:6632 Bandera, Bldg. B
San Antonio, TX 78238-1435
Phone:(210) 397-8109
Contact Person:Ms. Milena Garcia
Position: Adult Education and Literacy Coordinator
Email: milena.garcia@nisd.net
County Located:Bexar
County Served: Bexar
Organization Type:Adult Education Service Provider
Services Provided: Basic Skills Instruction, English as a Second Language, English Literacy and Civics Education, High School Equivalency Test Preparation, College and Career Readiness
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Additional Information:As part of the AEL Alamo Consortium under Region 20 ESC, NISD can serve all of Bexar County although their instructional sites are in the Northside ISD.
Grant Recipient Affiliation:Region 20 ESC
Spanish Speaker:AVAILABLE
Workforce Area: Alamo

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