Welcome to the Adult Education Provider Directory Search

Organization Name:College of the Mainland
Department:Adult Education
Physical Address:1200 Amburn Rd.
Texas City, TX 77591-2435
Postal Address:1200 Amburn Rd.
Texas City, TX 77591-2435
Phone:(409) 933-8294
Contact Person:Mr. Joshua Hayes
Position: Adult Education Director
Email: jhayes1@com.edu
AdultEd Coordinator:Rose Conti, rconti@com.edu
County Located:Galveston
County Served: Chambers, Galveston
Organization Type:Adult Education Service Provider
Adult Education Grant Recipient
Services Provided: Basic Skills Instruction, English Literacy and Civics Education, English as a Second Language, High School Equivalency Test Preparation, College and Career Readiness, Career Services, Correctional Re-Entry and Post-Release Services, Disability Assistance, English Literacy Civics Instruction with Workforce Training, Co-enrollment in Adult Ed and Job Training, Services for Internationally Trained Professionals, Workplace Literacy
Click to view service definitions
Grant Recipient Affiliation:Houston Galveston Area Council
Spanish Speaker:AVAILABLE
Workforce Area: Gulf Coast

Official log