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Organization Name:LifeWorks
Department:Education and Workforce Development
Physical Address:3700 S. 1st St.
Austin, TX 78704
Postal Address:3700 South First Street
Austin, TX 78704
Contact Person:Mr. Marc Martinez
Position: Program Director, High School Equivalency and Life Skills Training
Email: marc.martinez@lifeworksaustin.org
County Located:Travis
County Served: Travis
Organization Type:Volunteer or Community-based Program
Adult Education Service Provider
Services Provided: High School Equivalency Test Preparation
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Additional Information:Offers counseling services for youth, young adults and families, as well as services through various housing programs, a young parents program, and teen parent services. LifeWorks’ Education and Workforce Development Division is focused on developing the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the challenges of adolescence, move toward independence, and break the cycle of poverty. Through these services, youth and adults can achieve their educational goals, increase employability, gain independent living and parenting skills, and set themselves on a path to self-sufficiency.
Grant Recipient Affiliation:Austin Community College
Spanish Speaker:NOT AVAILABLE
Workforce Area: Capital Area

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