Texas Adult Education & Literacy Hotline: |
Literacy is defined as an individual’s ability to read, write, and speak in English, and compute and solve problems at levels of proficiency necessary to function on the job, in the family, and in society.
Aligning with the definition of literacy, the goal of the Literacy PD Institute is to organize and highlight Adult Education and Literacy research, courses and curriculum, and Professional Development events related to Literacy. Those topics include, but are not limited to, content in ABE (Adult Basic Education), ASE (Adult Secondary Education), ESL (English as a Second Language), special learning needs, family literacy, and health literacy.
Texas Adult Education and Literacy Content Standards v. 4
Family Literacy Resources
- Early Trauma Online Learning Certification
- Epic Books for Kids
- Get Ready to Read Resource Locator
- Houston ISD’s Love to Learn Tool Kit
- Latino Literacy - PD for Bilingual Parent Involvement
- Literacy Resources from the Barbra Bush Foundation
- Lunch Doodles with Mo Williams
- NatGeo for Kids
- The Smithsonian Learning Lab
- The National Center for Families Learning
- The National Center on Improving Literacy
- Virtual Tours (Museums, Zoos, and Theme Parks
- Wonders With Charlie
Resources for Instructors
- Adult Basic Education
- Career Pathways Curriculum
- Digital Literacy
- English as a Second Language
- Teaching Students with Disabilities