Texas Adult Education & Literacy Hotline: |
TCALL History & Purpose
TRAIN PD @ TCALL is a project of the Texas Center for the Advancement of Literacy and Learning at Texas A&M University funded by the Texas Workforce Commission to serve as the statewide Professional Development and Resource Center for Texas Adult Education and Literacy (AEL). Funded at approximately $2.5 million annually, TRAIN PD serves as the hub for the TWC AEL Training, Resource and Innovation Network for Texas (TRAIN Tex) strategy. TRAIN PD @ TCALL is responsible for delivering training, including training-of-trainer (TOT) events, informational resources, and other support to local programs, students, and stakeholders. PD Center staff, including PD Specialists, are responsible for deploying statewide PD activities, identifying and recruiting additional contract trainers, developing and delivering training throughout the state, including online accessibility, and assisting AEL Grantees and other providers with professional development planning and services provision.
TCALL was created in 1989 by the Board of Regents at Texas A&M University with the purpose of helping to reduce the incidence of adult illiteracy in Texas. As the state literacy resource center, TCALL's purpose has evolved into responding to the needs of those who provide literacy services to Texas’ adult education and family literacy learners. The primary funded project at TCALL from 1989 through mid 2014 was the Adult Literacy Clearinghouse, an adult education state leadership activity funded for 14 years under Texas Education Agency, then under Texas Workforce Commission beginning in fall 2013. In June 2014 and again in June 2016, Texas Workforce Commission selected TCALL through competitive procurement processes to be funded as the statewide Adult Education and Literacy Professional Development Center, while continuing its role as the resource and communication hub as well. (See TRAIN PD @ TCALL project activities here.) Results (The Difference We Make/Who We Serve and How):